Friday, September 09, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005

This is nice Boomer. The typical Boomer that you'll see on an everyday basis.

This is psychotic evil Boomer. This is when I am mean and enjoy torturing him.
*Just as a side note...he'd never really bite me, but he does have quite a vicious play face*
That's Zorro (in the back left) and Fearless (aka Lil' bit as I call him). They're very sweet and even tempered, and look SO very similar (they're full brothers). I just rode Zorro for the first time the other day, only the 14th time he's been ridden, and what a sweetheart! Watch out for him in the Model classes VERY soon! He'll be hard to beat.
That's where I spent a lot of my summer...I sure am missing it now, and some of the people too. :(
Another shot from back home.
A horse that I used to ride, Private Malone. Sorry for the grainy picture, it was a snapshot I took from a movie that's quite old an primitive digital cameras. R.I.P. to him, what a sweetheart he was.
I have plenty of pictures saved up, but I'm going to save some for me to post other times that I'm awake. Lol.
By the way, my situation is much better now (for those of you who know what I'm referring to).
Trish's first horse show is September 23-25 at the Bob Martin Ag. Center in Williamston, so come out and cheer her and Franklin on!!! :)
Monday, September 05, 2005
Now for the good stuff....
Soooo, my dad has been a complete ass as of late. The deal was, as long as I came back to college, found a roomate and a place to live, he would support me until I got through college as long as I earned enough money to pay for my horse. So, I did all of that, and still no support from my dad. For those of you who know my dad, surprise surprise. He means well, I swear he does, he just has a really hard way of showing it. The great part is, I most definitely went a week with only water to drink, and no food, and then once my other roomate showed up...she took pity on me and started feeding me. I must say, she's really taken care of me.
So I came down here to college, moved in, went two weeks without so much as a bed, no money, nothing. So I've been scrapping what money I could make between classes and on weekends, to make things work, and so far I've been able to do a pretty good amount. But then, it came time to pay for books, and my dad didn't pay for books like he had promised. So I've been going to classes without any books or really sucks. But, that's life.
My roomates are great, and my house is FANTASTIC. I love it. It's a three bedroom house right off of the ECU bus route, so I can catch the bus to classes. The best part is, minus the bedrooms, the house is fully furnished, and Kim's mom did all of the decorating! So not only was it furnished, but it's gorgeous! It doesn't look like it belongs to three college students at all.
The barn that I'm out now, is WONDERFUL. Franklin is kept in a stall all the time, minus the occasional night turnout, his coat has finally returned to it's beautiful dark blue roan color instead of a sunburnt orange, and he's really put a lot of weight and muscle on. He's finally starting to look more like the horse that I like to have him look like now versus the horse that he was looking like (which wasn't very good) . As you can see in the pictures below, he's quite a sexy beast ;) ;) Yes, I love my baby.
Good news, I think the calvary is on the way. I think I have it worked out to where I will be saved soon. Everything will be taken care of and life will slowly drift back to normal (sorry, can't give any more details than that).
My buddy Zack went and tried to kill himself this It's my fault for not making it to Tennessee to go see him, haha. Long story short, he took off running at the Celebration grounds (where the Tennessee Walking Horse World Championships are held) and while running underneath the stadium bleachers, he didn't duck low enough, and completely ran into one of the horizontal support beams. Talk about pain! He had to be rushed off in an ambulance, where he then got 26 staples, 6 sutures, and a shaved part of his head. They said that he lost a pint of blood, and had he have hit any lower on his head, he would have either killed himself or given himself a labotomy. How crazy is that? It scared me to death as he was telling me about it. And I still feel so guilty!!!
Well, I think that's enough for now. I'm going to go finish watching White Noise, and then I'm going to watch the Last Unicorn with my roomie Kim! I didn't think that anyone else on this planet knew that movie even existed! :) Made me happy to know that I wasn't completely insane.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Okay, so...I've been a little preoccupied...
Between going to class, working, cleaning house, taking care of my zoo of animals, trying to work out ways of getting everything paid for, etc...I just really haven't had the time to update. So, here's some picture to get you started.
That's Pearl and Georgette. Pearl is also Sweet Pea's Mommy. Sorry about the shelter in the background, it's currently under construction.
That's megs and Franklin out at my place. I forgot that I didn't have the barn in any of my pictures!
That's Sweet Pea. 2 year old Standardbred mare. Isn't she pretty? She can FLY!!!
That's my Dually baby. His registered name is Justa Dually, 12 year old Standardbred stud. Sweetheart.
That's my roomie, Christy.
One of the horses at the barn....Zorro.
That's my other roomie, Kim, riding my horse Franklin.
That's my "artistic" picture of Megs and Franklin. I was laying on the ground and he was basically standing overtop of me...super cute.