To update my blogger journal!!!
Okay, so from now on (don't hold me to this) I'm going to attempt and update my blogger journal MUCH more frequently! As we speak, there's a pretty nasty storm brewing outside. Guess I jumped ahead of myself, right now I'm in
Ahoskie. I came back to come see Dr.
Larabee about my foot...which I broke on Saturday. How? ask. Gracefully, as always. I was on a trail ride with some friends riding a new horse, and as we went to cross a ditch my horse fell face first into the mud. Poor guy :( I immediately dismounted so that he could get his feet back underneath him. Of course, I slipped in the mud too and became a lovely muddy mess. This was the pleasant part of the experience. Within a few seconds, as I was getting my feet back underneath myself on the opposite ditch bank, the lovely new horse leaped across the ditch to apparently join me, and ever so gracefully landed RIGHT on my foot. That particular foot HAPPENED to be the foot that my shoe had come off of while I was standing in the mucky-muck, and he HAPPENED to land in the exact same spot that I broke a few years ago! Lovely experience...just lovely.
So that's the immediate updates. On the broader spectrum, I'm currently working for East Carolina University at Brody School of Medicine as a Research Tech. No guts, no glory! Definitely a step ahead of the
Sheetz situation I was in previously, and the Kohl's expedition I attempted following. I am SO much happier in a more educated and stimulating environment. I'm just not the kind of girl who gets kicks out of the latest fashions or rugs...woo-
hoo I mean to tell you. I have 16 animals, that's right...17. I have 5 dogs, 5 bunnies, 3 cats, 2 horses, a lovely beta fish, and a excessively large salt water fish tank with ONE fish...
haha. He's quite a happy little fish though. Still living in
Greenville, unfortunately. In all honesty, I'm really just not the biggest fan of
Greenville...but it's not entirely horrible either. It's nice to be close to family, but I'm still eager to move on to the next area of my life. Still with my wonderful soul mate, and our life is quite wonderful together (that's always a plus!) If anyone has any large sums of acreage they are looking to donate to a lovely cause, send them my direction.
Haha, with a little more acreage we intend on setting up a rescue facility.
Enough of the random updates for today, I
foresee it being in my best interest to get off the computer before these storms get much worse! Plus, there's a cute little dog belonging to my mother who's desperately afraid of storms, and is putting forth her very best effort to get my attention AWAY from the computer. So, I should let her succeed in her efforts. :)