On a slightly heavier note, I need all of you praying people out there to keep a sweet little girl in your thoughts. No, she's not human, it's a little filly. (OF COURSE, it's coming from me, what did you expect?)
My dad and his girlfriend bought a beautiful 18 hand warmblood mare so that she could start doing some more dressage. Well, come to find out...she was pregnant! Not just a little bit pregnant either, she was 8 months along when they bought her. We kind of feel a little remorseful for making fun of how fat she was, poor thing was carrying a huge baby inside of her! So, the birth went completely smooth as planned. She had absolutely no complications. Within 6 hours, the little filly was out away from Mom exploring! What a cutie pie. Unfortunately, when they went out of town this weekend, they came back to a slightly different story.
When they went out to see the little girl, they noticed she was somewhat lethargic, and was having some diarrhea. They called their vet, and she came out and pumped the little girl full of antibiotics, probiotics, electrolytes, fluids, and everything that SHOULD have helped her feel better. Sadly, it didn't do the trick. So, onto the next veterinary hospital. There, much of the same was done...with no significant results. So, onto NC State Veterinary School. No real updates yet, but let's just hope this little girl pulls through.
So, keep her in your thoughts please. I posted a few pictures. The pictures aren't the best quality, so I apologize. I brought the wrong camera and the sun wasn't cooperating very well and went down before I was able to set up for pictures. Therefore, crap pictures. :P

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