(Picture courtesy of WHC)
Long time Tennessee Walking Horse rider Susan Gordon passed away this morning after complications from a bad fall from a horse. She was trail riding with a friend and it is rumored that a large cat (mountain lion) may have spooked the horses. Signs were promising initially, but after some brain hemoraging and a later diagnosis of pneumonia, it was simply too much to overcome. She was such a nice lady, one of those people that was nice to everyone, no matter who you were. My first memories of the Celebration were watching her ride Fire and Ice (the horse pictured with her to the left.) To watch her ride was amazing. She could sit on a horse and ride like nobody's business, and truly set a new standard for not only lady riders, but for amateur riders in general. It is truly a devestating loss, and please keep the Gordon family in your prayers as they try to get through this tragedy. The Celebration just won't be the same without Susan riding in the ring for the Amateur World Grand Championship.
That's all I'm updating for tonight. Honestly, I'm exhausted. Pray for the Gordons....