Saturday, December 31, 2005
As soon as I get back home, then I will update you on all the latest horsie stuff, and hopefully I'll have some pictures from the trail ride tomorrow to show you. We're going riding at my grandfather's farm, which has about 2000 acres that we can ride on without crossing ANY roads (actually, 90 % of the time you don't even see the road). So it's a fun ride...and I have a great group of people I ride with, about 20 or 30 of us now...depending on who shows. Franklin is still padded, so he lucks out and gets to rest tomorrow. I'll be riding a little quarter horse/walking horse cross (interesting, I know) that belongs to a friend of mine. She's a little spunky, and definitely a true mare. One thing that she doesn't like and she WILL let you know, haha. That's why she and I get along so well, because I'm a little hard-headed as well so I make her do some things she'd rather not do, and in return she gives me a good ride :) (haha).
I'll update more later, and the final decision on a car. I should know later tonight or first thing tomorrow morning as to what car I'm getting...and opinions?
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
"You're lucky..."

Both my dog and I were in the vehicle, and we were going about 45 at the time of the accident. I really don't feel like going into the full story all over again, but for both my dog and I to walk away from this without so much as a scratch, is by no other term a "miracle". I have a LITTLE bruising from my seatbelt, and a small bruise on my knee from sliding forward into the dash...but that's IT! And Boomer (my sweet puppy dog) has no scratches, no limp, nothing. He didn't even bark or whine during the crash...thank god for those airbags. But needless to say, we're both okay, and the guy in the other car was okay. We didn't even have to call an ambulance. However, my poor little car didn't fair so well. It's totalled (obviously). But it did it's job by protecting my dog and I. I will most definitely look for another jetta. Kudos to the safety team!!! They designed it well. But that's all for today, I'm going to order a pizza, chill...and then get back to what I was doing. Enjoy the pictures.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Dove into the archives...

A Dog's Life
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Some more pictures...

Boomer on "his" couch. He's pretty much claimed it.

Pictures from Saturday

Talk about posing for the camera! Dually was showing off his super good looks and modeling talents while very impatiently waiting for me to take him back inside.

*Drum roll*.....
I didn't think that it would ever end, but thank goodness it has. Now, I have three weeks of doing nothing but working with the horses, sleeping, and giving the people that I care about the most a little something to show that. What could be better?
My plans for right now is to spend most of my time right here where I am, and not leave to go "home"...though this pretty much feels like it. It's just me and Boomer in this nice three bedroom house...and I'm loving it.
Had a good time today...Ron bought a pony for his niece and nephew, which is adorable. Before the time came to give them the pony, I went and helped it get all "dolled" up. The put a big red bow around the pony's neck, and I braided in some matching red and white streaming ribbon in her she'd look all festive. As soon as I get motivated enough to upload the pictures from my camera, I will post them. Sorry, but at the moment, I am suffering from a serious case of laziness. Maybe shortly the motivation will come to me.
I think I have turned into a sappy person, tonight makes the fifth time that I've watched The Notebook, and I think that I cried harder this time than I have all the rest put together. It just really hits home this time of year I guess. For those of you who don't know, my great grandmother and great grandfather had a very similar story. I don't know about their meeting, and early romance (though now I'd like to find out)...but the ending was similar. She suffered from severe Alzheimer's Disease, and towards the end she hardly knew who anyone was, not to mention it was causing some slight dimentia. All the while, my Papa (great-grandfather) stayed right by her side and took care of her as much as he could. Just remembering seeing the look in his eye as he looked at her makes me smile, and cry a the same time. He was such a sweet man... I truly wish I would have been older to appreciate and remember him more.
Okay, so that's my reminissing for today. I'm going to see about uploading these pictures.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
I hope this works...
Free video hosting, video codes at |

Friday, December 09, 2005
Horses...(and donkey)

Okay, Franklin is the awesome blue roan, of course. You'll recognize him from previous pictures. The adorable little donkey is for sale, and becoming very reliable. You'll notice in one of the pictures he has a saddle and two sand bags (which were full of aluminum cans). The deep bay horse is Dually, and the beautiful app. is Fearless, a yearling stud.

I am really bad about updating...

My little cousin, Lily, ridng a pony at Tall Cotton Stables. He's such a sweet little thing, the absolute perfect kids horse. If you walked 1000 miles, I think he'd follow you the entire way.
Franklin showing his "school spirit". John was kind enough to lend his hat to Franklin for this Kodak moment.
A picture that I took of Franklin's eye when we were out riding one day. Meagan was actually riding him when I took this picture, but I love looking into his eyes. They tell such a detailed story, and I absolutely love them.
mainly because I really just don't have the time.
But I guess that I'll entertain you with a few pictures.
While I'm waiting for them to load, I will update some (though there's not that much, suprisingly). I am cramming for exams, because we all know how much I love school *cough* *gag*. Franklin has been working really well lately, especially considering the amount of work he's had. Since I've been so busy with school, he's been limited to very little riding. Our standardbred mare has been working towards roadhorse, and she has been progressing quite nicely. I must admit, I've been pleasantly suprised. Social life, kind of boring. Not much going on. I'll post more pictures in just a few minutes.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Just a quick update....
As it goes from top to bottom, To Much Fun aka A.J., reg. saddlebred gelding. He's the horse I posted about way back when and ended up being purchased by the barn. He's a great western horse and the lady who bought him loves him to death and spoils him rotten.
Second, my baby Push's Rhythm and Blues aka. Franklin. :) I've had him for 12 years and I swear he's just as beautiful to me now as the day I bought him, actually probably more so.
Third, is proof that my horse is much more interested in studs than he is mares. Although he himself is a gelding, he still loves other horses...but especially male ones. He stood there and licked Justa Dually (aka, dually) for about 5 minutes. Everytime he would stop, Dually would lean back into it. Personally, I think that they both enjoyed it entirely too much. Haha.
And then the last shot is of my baby Franklin again doing his thing. This was at a flat walk with nothing but a little 2 ounce chain on. He hadn't been ridden for a couple of days, and actually had spent a little bit of time grazing in the pastures the past few days. He's so naturally talented...gotta love him. :)
That's it for now, I have much more but not enough time. Time is such a stupid thing. Lol.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Time management lessons from anyone? Please?...
I'm not even going to attempt to bore you with all of the long, drawn out, intricate details of the drama which has unfolded in the past two weeks. I'm just really going to keep in simple in a bulletted list style.
- Chemistry SUCKS
- Amputations on horses.... SUCK
- High school drama filled roomates... SUCK
- Bronchitis... SUCKS
- Ear infections... SUCK
- Beloved pet trying to die and scare you half to death... SUCKS get my drift. Fall Break is FINALLY upon us, and I have to say, that I could not be any more thrilled at the thought of a few days off than a pea in a pod.
To those of you out there who know the way...she would like to remain anonymous on her blog. :) She didn't exactly state it blatently in her blog, but those of us who have been reading it picked up on it quite rapidly. That's just a F.Y.I.
Have some horses for sale, and I am in the market for some horses as well. If anyone has a Walking Horse (or several for that matter), broke or not broke, colt or aged horse, that they are looking to get rid of for a good price, please e-mail me. I am in the market and just don't have enough time to go around searching my market at the moment. Maybe some of you can just point them out to me instead. :)
I'll post some more pictures later, possibly this weekend if I get the chance. I have tons to update you with after a horse show, an event filled trail ride, a visit with some Paso/Peruvian buddies of mine, and a sparing few miscellaneous that I might throw in as well. If not this weekend, hope you all have a good one.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Sorry guys, I've been EXTREMELY busy...
Last week, Zorro (a three year old App. stud at our barn) was hit by a car. The driver apparently wasn't paying attention, ran off the road and plowed into our fence, hitting Zorro in the process. His left leg was literally snapped in half, both bones---all the way through. Needless to say, that has been devestating. Gerry, his owner, chose to fight for him and he now has a cast on his left in attempts to save it, but I just am not very confident that he will succeed.
The week before, I had a TON of homework, work, and tests, so I just didn't have time to do anything other than work.
This weekend was my lesson students first horse show, and for those of you who have given lessons on horses that still have a little spunk, you know how nerve racking that can be. Not only that, but we took the new horse ("Too Much Fun" aka A.J., western saddlebred gelding) to the show to test him out. SO not only did I have to completely prepare for all of that, I also had to take care of all of my school work, help take care of poor Zorro, take care of the house work, and help out my friends (who have been having relationship problems as of late).
However, Saturday night at the horse show, a few Coronas with lime and some good friends being goofy made me feel a lot better.
I'll try to keep up with this better now....
Friday, September 09, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005

This is nice Boomer. The typical Boomer that you'll see on an everyday basis.

This is psychotic evil Boomer. This is when I am mean and enjoy torturing him.
*Just as a side note...he'd never really bite me, but he does have quite a vicious play face*
That's Zorro (in the back left) and Fearless (aka Lil' bit as I call him). They're very sweet and even tempered, and look SO very similar (they're full brothers). I just rode Zorro for the first time the other day, only the 14th time he's been ridden, and what a sweetheart! Watch out for him in the Model classes VERY soon! He'll be hard to beat.
That's where I spent a lot of my summer...I sure am missing it now, and some of the people too. :(
Another shot from back home.
A horse that I used to ride, Private Malone. Sorry for the grainy picture, it was a snapshot I took from a movie that's quite old an primitive digital cameras. R.I.P. to him, what a sweetheart he was.
I have plenty of pictures saved up, but I'm going to save some for me to post other times that I'm awake. Lol.
By the way, my situation is much better now (for those of you who know what I'm referring to).
Trish's first horse show is September 23-25 at the Bob Martin Ag. Center in Williamston, so come out and cheer her and Franklin on!!! :)