My little cousin, Lily, ridng a pony at Tall Cotton Stables. He's such a sweet little thing, the absolute perfect kids horse. If you walked 1000 miles, I think he'd follow you the entire way.
Franklin showing his "school spirit". John was kind enough to lend his hat to Franklin for this Kodak moment.
A picture that I took of Franklin's eye when we were out riding one day. Meagan was actually riding him when I took this picture, but I love looking into his eyes. They tell such a detailed story, and I absolutely love them.
mainly because I really just don't have the time.
But I guess that I'll entertain you with a few pictures.
While I'm waiting for them to load, I will update some (though there's not that much, suprisingly). I am cramming for exams, because we all know how much I love school *cough* *gag*. Franklin has been working really well lately, especially considering the amount of work he's had. Since I've been so busy with school, he's been limited to very little riding. Our standardbred mare has been working towards roadhorse, and she has been progressing quite nicely. I must admit, I've been pleasantly suprised. Social life, kind of boring. Not much going on. I'll post more pictures in just a few minutes.
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