Saturday, December 31, 2005


I'm currently @ my Dad's house, and still carless. I'm staying down here getting insurance issues straight, and also bumming a ride from my dad...sad huh? Lol, you would have thought I would have outgrown that by now...but I guess you're never too old to bum off your parents!!! :P He's been really great though, he has. He's either getting me an explorer, grand am, or an intrigue. All of the above drive, so I'm content with any of them. :) Beggers can't be choosers!!!

As soon as I get back home, then I will update you on all the latest horsie stuff, and hopefully I'll have some pictures from the trail ride tomorrow to show you. We're going riding at my grandfather's farm, which has about 2000 acres that we can ride on without crossing ANY roads (actually, 90 % of the time you don't even see the road). So it's a fun ride...and I have a great group of people I ride with, about 20 or 30 of us now...depending on who shows. Franklin is still padded, so he lucks out and gets to rest tomorrow. I'll be riding a little quarter horse/walking horse cross (interesting, I know) that belongs to a friend of mine. She's a little spunky, and definitely a true mare. One thing that she doesn't like and she WILL let you know, haha. That's why she and I get along so well, because I'm a little hard-headed as well so I make her do some things she'd rather not do, and in return she gives me a good ride :) (haha).

I'll update more later, and the final decision on a car. I should know later tonight or first thing tomorrow morning as to what car I'm getting...and opinions?

1 comment:

swamp4me said...

Happy New Year!
As for the car, go for whichever has the best gas mileage...and the best airbags ;)