Monday, May 05, 2008


So, it's 5:30 and I'm still sitting in the office. Yes, my normal hours are 8-5. Unfortunately, since I was ever-so graceful enough to break my foot...I had to make sure it was my RIGHT foot so I cannot drive! 'Tis my luck.

Oh, speaking of luck, did I mention that Margo is not going to be able to pick me up until sometime after 6:30? She had to drive today for work and got stuck in that horrible Raleigh/Durham traffic. Happy! Happy!... Joy! Joy! Just what I always wanted to do, sit at work, VOLUNTARILY, OFF THE CLOCK, NOT GETTING PAID, and suffer needlessly until she arrives. BLAH.

On a lighter note, my foot is actually feeling SOMEWHAT better today. I'm hoping that I can be back in the saddle by the end of May. Wish me luck with that!

Just on a side-note... I was reflecting today, and I miss a lot of people. To those of you I have lost contact with over the years, I regret that to an extent. Funny how that works, huh? Send a message my way, I love hearing from people.

Back to the waiting game....

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